Bodegas Luis Cañas
Ethical code: 0000042
By virtue of its own merits, Bodegas Luis Cañas is among the top wineries of the Appellation d'Origine Rioja. This family business was founded in 1928. Thanks to the quality of its wines, the sales of this winery on national and international markets have increased spectacularly. Due to a constant policy of reinvestment, the meticulous methods applied in its vineyards, the painstaking selection of its grapes and the skilled processing methods applied in the winery, its products have won prizes at the top wine events in the world.
For Bodegas Luis Cañas, the vine is the indisputable protagonist and the key to the quality of its wines. The winery has its own exceptional vineyards.
The winery offers catering and meeting halls for members of "Luis Cañas" Club.